Wednesday, March 12, 2014

certificate of merit

For piano, Clare has been getting ready for a big event called Certificate of Merit (preparatory level), where she has to do a theory exam, ear training exercises, sight reading, technique and performance of 2 pieces, all in front of judges.  Last week was her exam. She did a great job practicing hard and getting ready for the exam. Dad/Kari drove her to the church where the exam took place and waited in the waiting room. No parents are allowed in to watch.  Clare was kind of fact she didn't eat lunch Saturday before the exam. I'm not sure if it was nerves or if she really wasn't hungry!

This is Clare in the car about to leave. 

To celebrate Clare's hard work we went out as a family to corvette diner. It is also pretty close to Alexey's and Austin's bday so we told them about the b-days and got some straws in the hair and dessert.

A few days after the exam Clare received her scores.  Yay clare! So proud of her!

Sight Reading:Excellent
All Pieces Memorized ?:Yes
Theory Result:Passed
Theory Score:96 %, 77 out of 80, Incorrect: 3

Since we were all out on a beautiful day we took a few pics of the kids!


  1. That's a great pic of the four kids. Way to go Clare! What an accomplishment!

  2. Congrats, Clare!! I'm impressed! I know how hard tests like that are. :)
    Keep up the great work!
