We met with all the Gondas for family pictures. Everything turned out great. It was a beautiful evening. The colors were great. The kids are darling.
Lex and Clare with sweet Aria.
Grandma and all of her followers
Lexey sometimes has a crazy smile. So fun. After this pic.I told her "think of ice cream and puppies" and this is what I got. So sweet.
Gonda boys.
Grandma that looks 35 years old and all her adoring fans and grandpa! We have a great family!
Behind every one lucky good shot are about ten of these kind.
Calvin sucked on his shirt all the way to the park (30 minutes) so when we got there it was soaking wet. Disappointing. But, this is who we are!
cute aria
Emiley and Clare
These are so great! And you're right... Linda does look 35!