I love my kids! They are always doing and saying funny things. Most of the time I forget to write them down. Here are a few gems of late.
Jo started calling Clare "bear bear" - lex did this at the same age
JoJo calls anything sweet "cupcake" - this includes cupcakes, ice cream and chocolate milk. The first time I heard this word was a month or so ago I made cupcakes for scouts. Jo walked into the kitchen and said "CUPCAKE!" clear as day. I had no idea she even knew the word. I love how quickly kids at this age learn new things. She probably has a new word every day.
I ran out of wheat flour this week so my usual 50/50 white/wheat pancakes and waffles went to all white. My kids think I am the best mom ever and hope I will never buy wheat flour again!
Calvin always talks baby talk to Jo.
Clare was singing this morning "I love my family, I love my family, I love my mom, except when she bosses me around, she cooks for me, she tucks me in, I love my Dad ..... "
(one of my struggles is how to be the mom without bossing. Clare doesn't like to be rushed or told what to do. She likes to do things her way. Her way is often the right thing but she hates to be corrected! AH! Kids !)
Lexey is learning to read, she has learned a few songs on the piano b/c she won't stop trying to teach herself I finally taught her a few songs!
Lexey said "Daddy long legs are nice spiders because they have the word daddy in it. There should be nice spiders called Mommy too."
Lexey is out of her mind terrified of spiders. She can sort of handle daddy long legs because she knows they won't hurt her. Any spider moving though, she will scream and then cry and shake for a few minutes. A few days ago she was on the couch reading and a spider crawled across her leg. She nearly died. It was so traumatic to her I had no idea what had even happened (well, I knew the blood curdling scream had something to do with spiders) but, it took her a good 10 minutes to calm enough that I could understand what happened.
I'm pretty sure Dave is responsible for Lexey's debilitating arachnophobia. (Remember the bath incident.) And there are Mommy spiders--they're called Black Widows.