I love the patriotic music for spring. Both groups learned Proud to Be an American. Lexey loves to break out in song every time she sees red, white and blue! Yesterday she started singing for a lady who was wearing red pants, and a blue/white striped shirt! My little class also performed Grand Old Flag, I've Been Working on the Railroad and I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy. They did great. The older kids did a darling show about When I Grow UP with songs about a plumber, sailor, rodeo girl, etc. It was wonderful. Jessica does a great job with them. I really knew what I was doing when I talked her into starting this group so that my girls could have her as a teacher! I hear nothing but how amazing and wonderful she is from all the other families as well. She is so talented and also organized and easy to work with. : ) Love ya Jess!
Here are some pics from our concerts!
(notice Calvin hands on hips? He was sooo close to a total meltdown during the memorial day show. Luckily he kept himself under control)
After the Memorial Day performance we went out for Slurpee's to celebrate!
Here are my silly wee Singers!
So cute!
Yankee Doodle
You're a Grand old Flag
Kids Sing! The costumes are so cute!
Jessica teaching and Claire Davis - a sr. in high school whose senior project was helping us out this year. She was great. Calvin took this seat on the front row (in the directors chairs) and stayed for the entire show. He was perfectly behaved.
Clare at the mic
Clare at the mic again
I love Jessica! Isn't Austin so cute.
Me and my lovely girls after the show!
YEAH! Now I'm stealing all your pictures:) Love working with you too!