Monday, April 13, 2015

cup is overflowing

I often write about the "events" and "photo moments" and "things" we do. I don't very often just write.

As we finish up our year in Houston I am feeling so blessed for the great life that I have. I've also been looking through some old pictures on the computer and realizing that this phase of life with three sweet girls is changing as they grow up right before my eyes.  When I look over pictures I see that my "little girls" are growing up into girls. I fear that if I blink again I will have three teenagers (heaven help us)! Sometimes I wish I could freeze time and enjoy them as they are for a little longer.

For the last 3 years, these girls have been best friends and inseparable insofar as they've been able to be together.  Here are some pictures from a couple of years ago.

 Lifes most precious moments are not those captured on vacation or when we dress up and smile at the camera. Most of the moments of our life are missed by the camera. It is just the every day time that we spend with each other that make life so special. The camera gives us glimpses of those joys.

My life has revolved around these three angles. It is fun to see them interact. Clare is such a sweet and thoughtful big sister. She has watched over Lexey from the time she was born and also has taken such good care of Jo.  Lexey is an amazing middle child. She loves everyone. She is ALWAYS happy.  I have never seen anyone with such an even temperament and good nature. She will always give up what she has to make someone else happy.  Clare looks for Lexey as a fun companion and Jo hardly accepts me as her mother because she relies on Lexey to help her so much. Lexey is truly a delight to know. Jo is darling and fiery and still emerging as an individual. She is sensitive and shy at times but also very active and busy. She loves her comfort zone and her people to be around her. She is also obsessed with treats.

Today the girls were playing a game, Clare was Mom and the other girls were the teenage daughters.  They play so well together.  Jo decided since Clare was the mom, she would call me Grandma! haha.  These three girls are such delightful companions to me.  They are so cheerful, talk to people we meet when we are out and about and bring the joy of a child to all experiences we have.  While I have had some (hopefully few) complaints about giving up my personal freedom to home school for the year I know it will be a time that I look back on with such fondness.   Even with our day to day struggles to get work finished and stay on task, it is a pleasure to spend my waking hours with these girls. They care for each other, they care for others and they are simply happy.  I am worried that Jo is going to go into a deep depression when Clare and Lexey go back to school in the fall.

I hope that as these girls grow up they will continue to love each other and to be kind to those around them. That they'll be happy and productive teenagers and adults. I was talking with my dear friend Valerie Sabin this week and she was telling me what a delight it is to know your children as adults. I hope that my girls all enjoy me when they are older and are wonderful people as adults. I look forward to that time with them and hope that my weak parenting skills are good enough that they will be all they can be.

This week we went to a museum and park that was recently finished. Houston has NO hills. It was so fun to see the girls run up and down the hill until Jo was completely exhausted!
Love how Lexey poses!

In the museum Lex and Clare played checkers
 And did an experiment to look at cheek cells

And my darling Calvin who doesn't like to be photgraphed as often but has a sweet spot in my heart and loves his sisters just as much as the rest of us do!

I'm thankful for sweet Calvin. Even with his troubles he is a special person and loves everyone.  He is really growing up. Twelve years old this year!  The next couple of years he'll grow from boy to teenager. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this. You have raised (and are raising) such happy kids, and it's no doubt because you demonstrate how to have fun in life. I admire how present you are with the kids and how you take the time to let them play, be messy (you know me), and just be kids. You're such a great mom, Denise.
