Tuesday, December 1, 2015

hair donation

For Dave's graduation gift (june 2014) I grew my hair long so I would "look beautiful" at his graduation. Funny that I actually ended up doing an updo for the actual graduation event, but still, I had long hair for him for a long time! I enjoy long hair and it is indeed beautiful, but it is also a little more maintenance. My hair gets tangly when long which drives me nuts. Also, I never do my hair. In many ways I'm lucky to have low maintenance hair... but in the winter it is cold enough that I want to use a blow dryer... anyway, these thoughts, combined with the fact that I have three other heads of beautiful long hair to worry about, I was ready for a change. Luckily I had enough hair to donate to Pantene beautiful lengths (8 inches), making it worth it for me to make a change and chop the hair!  It is so much easier to take care of. I can blow dry it in 5 minutes and it is light and fun. I'm sure I'll go longer again, but for now this is good.

The kids all said they didn't like it.
Calvin, "no offense mom, but I like your hair better longer."
Clare, "mom, it looks terrible" Then she drew a picture of me with long hair smiling and a picture with short hair sad and said, "this was you happy with long hair, and this is you with short hair, regretting that you cut it and look bad." (thank you child of your father)
Lexey: " mom, I'm not really used to you with short hair. I will try to get used to it. I love you with long or short hair"
Jo:"Why did you cut your hair so short? I like you with long hair."

Dave: Dave had NO warning whatsoever that I was even thinking of cutting my hair. When I came in to see him, I whispered to him that the kids were really mean about it and he should be a good example so he told me I look nice and  gave me a hug.  The kids were hoping he would have a dramatic reaction and had followed me in to see him and even videoed his reaction.  Later he asked why I cut it but has yet to tell me I look bad.  However,  I few nights ago I said, "man, I am getting chubby. This is bad." He said, "why are you getting chubby?" WRONG ANSWER! the correct answer is "no you look great." haha. but I would have known that is a lie so I am ok with a sincere question about why I am 10lbs above my ideal weight.  Food. That's why.

1 comment:

  1. I think your hair looks awesome! But then again I'm biased toward short hair (even though I'm trying to have mine long for the first time ever.)
